check-raise exploit GTO position ranges In this video, Marc Goone explains how to beat "good" poker players by exploiting their consistent strategic mistakes. Rather than focusing on beating fish, he details specific spots where winning players make exploitable errors in their range betting, check-raising frequencies, and folding tendencies. The video provides actionable adjustments to counter these common weaknesses. Marc identifies that even winning players make predictable mistakes in how they respond to range bets, when they underbluff in specific spots, and how they misplay certain board textures, allowing observant players to make profitable exploitative adjustments. Practical Exploits Against Winning Players: Range bet in position as the preflop raiser since winning players don't check-raise with enough bluffs Check your entire range on boards that favor your opponent's range Use delayed c-betting to get opponents to bet their medium-strength hands Overbluff in spots where winning players overfold (like high boards in 3-bet pots) Consider trapping with strong hands when opponents tend to overbluff Adjust based on configuration (tight vs. wide ranges) and board textures Identify spots where opponents struggle to find intuitive bluffs