bet sizing check-raise draw GTO ranges This video analyzes a brilliant play by Owen "PR0DIGY" Messere, the cash game world champion who won $681,000 in 43,000 hands against the world's best players. The analysis focuses on advanced river decision-making, exploring when to bet, check, or raise based on opponent's range rather than absolute hand strength, a concept that separates elite players from merely good ones. Understanding polarized vs. condensed ranges is crucial for river decisions. Elite players recognize when raising with medium-strength hands can get better hands to fold and worse to call. Genius River Decision-Making: Think about opponent's range composition before making standard plays Against polarized ranges, avoid betting/raising for thin value Against condensed ranges with medium hands, bet/raise thinner for more value Consider how many better/worse hands will call your bet or raise Evaluate how your hand blocks opponent's bluffing range Recognize when jamming medium-strength hands can create favorable fold/call scenarios Balance risk vs. return when making non-standard plays