3-bet bet sizing equity position ranges value bet In this video, high-stakes pro Kevin Rabichow coaches Joey Ingram on three-bet pot strategy in heads-up poker. They discuss pre-flop range construction, post-flop betting strategies, and how to approach different board textures. Kevin explains the difference between linear and polar situations and how to adjust bet sizing accordingly. Rabichow emphasizes recognizing board textures that favor certain ranges and adjusting sizing based on equity distribution rather than following fixed rules. Game-Changing Concepts: Three-bet pots require different strategic thinking than single-raised pots Pre-flop range construction can be simplified for practical play against humans Identifying whether a situation is linear or polar helps determine optimal betting strategy Different board textures require different bet sizes based on equity distribution Using smaller bet sizes on boards where you have a small equity advantage It's important to be comfortable playing check-lines and finding bluffs later in the hand Bluff selection should consider both equity and blocker effects