3-bet bet sizing bluff ranges value bet In this poker strategy video, Marc Goone explains why betting small can be more profitable than betting big in certain situations. He identifies seven specific spots where tiny bets outperform larger ones, including small three-bets preflop to isolate fish, tiny c-bets on ace-high boards, and small river bluffs against capped ranges. Small bet sizing creates profitable opportunities by getting opponents to continue with weaker hands and extracting more value when they have strong holdings. Strategic Betting Concepts: Using small three-bets preflop to isolate fish and play heads-up in position Employing tiny c-bets on ace-high boards in four-bet pots Choosing small bets when opponents have elastic ranges (price-sensitive hands) Implementing small river bluffs against capped ranges Adapting bet sizing based on opponent tendencies (passive vs. aggressive) Using bet sizing to induce raises or calls from specific parts of opponent's range Maximizing value by encouraging opponents to continue with marginal holdings