Stop Making This Poker Mistake (Fix This and Profit!)

Hungry Horse
12 Aug 2024
This material is for beginner players

In this video, poker pro Marc Goone explains why using medium-sized bets (1/2 to 1x pot) is often a mistake in cash games. He demonstrates when to use small or large bets on different streets, focusing on opponent tendencies and board textures. Marc also covers exceptions where medium bets can be effective, providing practical examples to improve your strategy.

Optimal bet sizing varies by street and situation. Small bets often work best on flops, while turns and rivers may require larger or polarized sizing strategies.

Mastering Bet Sizing for Profit

  • Avoid overusing medium-sized bets (1/2 to 1x pot)
  • Use small bets on flops to induce raises and calls
  • Choose large bets on turns when opponents are capped
  • Implement polarized betting on rivers (very small or very large)
  • Understand exceptions where medium bets can be effective
  • Consider opponent tendencies and board textures when sizing bets
  • Adapt sizing for value bets and bluffs on each street
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