Run Over Your Poker Table With Over Bets (Easy Guide!)

Hungry Horse
27 Jul 2024
This material is for medium-skilled players

In this video Marc Goone breaks down the concept of over betting in poker. He explains when and how to use over bets for both value and bluffs on the flop, turn, and river. Marc covers different scenarios, considering factors like board texture, opponent range, and street-specific strategies to maximize profit and put pressure on opponents.

Overbetting is effective when opponents are capped or have strong hands. Consider board texture and opponent range. Use different sizes for value and bluffs on the river.

Mastering Over Bets in Poker

  • When to use over bets on the flop
  • Adjusting strategy based on static vs. dynamic boards
  • Implementing over bets on the turn when opponents are capped
  • River over betting strategy for value and bluffs
  • Using blockers to inform bluffing decisions
  • Considering opponent range when choosing bet sizes
  • Balancing value bets and bluffs across different streets
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