Podcast Ep. 3 - Three Traps of Selection Bias

Patrick Howard
11 Aug 2024

In this podcast episode, Patrick Howard discusses three common traps of selection bias in poker. He explains how misinterpreting data can lead to incorrect conclusions about win rates, database statistics, and sample sizes. Patrick offers practical advice on how to analyze results more accurately and avoid falling into these traps.

Selection bias can skew poker players' interpretation of results. Understanding this concept helps in accurately assessing win rates and avoiding misguided conclusions.

Unmasking Selection Bias in Poker

  • Three main traps of selection bias in poker analysis
  • Impact of selection bias on interpreting win rates for large groups of players
  • Pitfalls of analyzing database statistics without proper context
  • Importance of considering variance in result evaluation
  • Tips for avoiding selection bias when reviewing personal results
  • How to approach downswings and losing streaks objectively
  • The role of sample size in accurately assessing poker performance
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