check-raise continuation bet draw fold equity position steal In this strategy video, Sky Matsuhashi explores check-raise bluffing as part of his "How to Steal More Pots" course. He presents four quiz scenarios where players must decide whether to check-raise bluff on the flop, providing detailed reasoning for each situation and explaining key factors that make check-raises profitable. Sky explains that successful check-raise bluffs depend on recognizing when opponents are likely to fold (about 80% certainty), understanding positional dynamics, and leveraging drawing equity in combination with opponent tendencies. Essential Poker Stealing Techniques: Identify weak c-bet timing and sizing as check-raise opportunities Avoid check-raising against short-stacked players who can't fold Use draw equity to support check-raise bluffs Pay attention to opponent stats and betting patterns Consider stack sizes when planning multi-street bluffs Use blockers to your advantage when check-raise bluffing Take advantage of LAG players who bet when checked to