bankroll EV variance A comprehensive analysis of high-stakes Spin & Go tournaments, featuring live $1,000 gameplay and detailed discussion of expected value, player pools, and market conditions in 2025. The content combines practical gameplay with statistical analysis, offering insights into professional-level Spin & Go strategy and the current state of high-stakes online poker. High-stakes Spin & Go games are infrequent but can offer significant value. Games typically run when recreational players join, and professional players avoid excessive reg battles due to high costs. Current EV rates vary widely, with top players showing modest profits in 2024. High-Stakes Spin & Go Reality Check: Games are infrequent but can offer great value when running Top players in 2024 averaged 20-31 chips EV over 1000+ games Variance can lead to 400K+ downswings even for profitable players High-stakes lobbies see less reg battling due to cost Player pools change frequently due to jurisdiction changes Recreational players often join after big wins at lower stakes Most profitable periods occur when non-professionals enter the pool