Poker School Online

GetCoach Poker School is the perfect place to start your poker career. Here, you will find clear and useful articles to help you understand the game better and improve your skills.

Where to Start?

Want to learn more about winning poker but don’t know where to begin? Learn the first steps to start your poker journey. This section will guide you through the basics and help you build a strong foundation.

Imp. ortance
Dif. ficulty
Should You Start Playing Poker?
This material is for beginner players
How to Start? First Steps in Online Poker
This material is for beginner players
5 Common Myths About Poker: Clearing Up Misunderstandings
This material is for beginner players
Which Poker Variant and Format is Right for You?
This material is for beginner players
How Much Can You Earn As a Cash Game Poker Player?
This material is for beginner players

Poker Rules

In this section, you'll find the rules for all popular types of poker, including Texas Hold'em, 6+ Hold'em, Omaha, Stud, and Chinese Poker. Learn how hands are ranked, how the game flows, and the key terms every player should know.

Imp. ortance
Dif. ficulty
Poker Hands Rankings List - From Lowest to Highest
This material is for beginner players
Texas Holdem Rules - The Beginners Guide
This material is for beginner players
Pot Limit Omaha: Explaining the Difference between PLO and NLHE
This material is for medium-skilled players
8 Poker Game Types You Need to Know About
This material is for beginner players
7 Card Stud Poker Rules
This material is for beginner players
Short Deck Poker (6+ Hold'em) Rules
This material is for beginner players
How to Play Open Face Chinese Poker
This material is for beginner players

Poker Calculators

This section covers everything you need for strategy calculations in online poker, including free equity calculators for Hold'em and Omaha. It helps you analyze odds, probabilities, and make better decisions.

Imp. ortance
Dif. ficulty
Texas Hold'em Odds Calculator
This material is for beginner players
Pot Limit Omaha Odds Calculator
This material is for beginner players
Fold Equity Calulator
This material is for beginner players
Pot Odds Calculator
This material is for beginner players
Bluff Equity Calculator
This material is for beginner players
6+ Hold'em Odds Calculator
This material is for beginner players
5-Card Omaha Odds Calculator
This material is for beginner players
Reliable Bankroll Size
This material is for beginner players
Win Rate Calculator
This material is for beginner players
Poker Variance
This material is for experienced players
Poker Randomizer (RNG)
This material is for experienced players
Rakeback Calculator
This material is for experienced players
ICM Calculator
This material is for experienced players


This section contains the most important articles to start your poker journey. These are essential for anyone serious about poker — if you don’t master them, success in the game will be hard to achieve.

Imp. ortance
Dif. ficulty
Which cash game bankroll strategy is the best for you
This material is for medium-skilled players
Texas Hold’em Starting Hands Chart
This material is for beginner players
Poker Playing Styles: Strategies and Countermeasures
This material is for beginner players
Understanding the Real Reasons for Betting in Poker
This material is for medium-skilled players
Poker Positions Explained: From Blinds to Button
This material is for beginner players
Basics of Choosing Starting Hands in Poker
This material is for beginner players
How to Choose the Right Bet Size in Poker
This material is for beginner players
Table Selection: Your Edge in Poker
This material is for medium-skilled players

Poker Techniques

In this section, you'll learn practical moves and tactics used by winning players to outplay your opponents at the table. Discover how to steal, float, 3-bet, adjust your strategy, and much more.

Imp. ortance
Dif. ficulty
Exploiting Fish: Donkbets lines
This material is for experienced players
Steal Smart: The Dos and Don'ts of Poker Stealing
This material is for medium-skilled players
Poker Floating: The Art of Calling with Weak Hands
This material is for experienced players
Semi-Bluff vs Pure Bluff: Explaining the Difference
This material is for experienced players
10 Tips to Make Perfect Bluffs
This material is for experienced players
How To Build a Perfect Preflop Strategy (Not Just GTO!)
This material is for experienced players
Math Behind Bluffing and Semi-Bluffing in Poker
This material is for medium-skilled players
Continuation Bets on the Flop: A Key Poker Strategy
This material is for medium-skilled players
Check-Raise: A Powerful Move in Poker
This material is for medium-skilled players
What Is a Blocking Bet and When to Use It
This material is for medium-skilled players
Double Barreling: When and How to Bet the Turn
This material is for medium-skilled players
What Is a Squeeze Play and How to Use It Effectively
This material is for medium-skilled players
Light 3-Betting: Essential Poker Move
This material is for medium-skilled players

Poker Math

Dive into the numbers behind the game. Understand probabilities, odds, and how to use them to your advantage.

Imp. ortance
Dif. ficulty
Poker Variance: How to Prepare for Downswings and Upswings
This material is for experienced players
Common Poker Probabilities for Preflop and Postflop Situations
This material is for medium-skilled players
Pot Odds in Poker: A Basic Must-Know Skill
This material is for medium-skilled players
What is EV in Poker and How to Calculate It?
This material is for medium-skilled players

Poker Theorems

This section includes poker theorems from various professional players, helping you understand the deeper strategies behind the game.

There are currently no articles here. But we will add them in the near future.

General Strategies

Learn key winning strategies for common poker spots and situations. This section will help you develop a solid approach to the game.

Imp. ortance
Dif. ficulty
Beating the Microstakes Is Simple but Not Easy
This material is for medium-skilled players
5 Tips to Boost Your Poker Game as a Beginner
This material is for beginner players

Poker Concepts

This section includes articles on important poker concepts like initiative, stack size, value, ranges, bet sizing, and much more — essential knowledge for any serious poker player.

Imp. ortance
Dif. ficulty
What Is a Value Bet: Sizing and Effective Situations
This material is for experienced players
What Does Pot-Committed Mean in Poker?
This material is for experienced players
Equity Realization in Poker: Why It Matters and How to Improve It
This material is for medium-skilled players

Hand Play

In this section, you'll find recommendations on how to play different starting hands and draws in the common scenarios at the poker table.

There are currently no articles here. But we will add them in the near future.


This section includes articles on psychology and motivation in poker. Even the most successful and talented players experience losses, often due to tilt and a lack of discipline. This section will help you deal with downswings and other mental challenges.

Imp. ortance
Dif. ficulty
How not to lose your mind during a downswing
This material is for beginner players
Tilt Control: How to Stay Cold at the Poker Table
This material is for medium-skilled players
Poker Tips on How to Overcome Downswings and Return After a Break
This material is for medium-skilled players

Getcoach Poker School

Welcome to the Getcoach Poker School! Poker is one of the most popular card games in the world. Despite its apparent simplicity, it hides many secrets. You can spend countless hours studying its strategic nuances and delving into the details of various hands.

The fastest, easiest, and most effective way to master this knowledge is by using the specially prepared and structured material we provide on our site. 

In this section, you will find all the basic information you need to confidently beat microstakes in online poker and build a solid foundation for further development. 

All the materials in this section are completely free to access without registering. However, if you'd like to leave a comment or ask a question about any unclear topic, you'll need to sign up.

Poker Learning Process

In our school, you can go through all the learning stages of poker, starting with the basics like poker rules and hand rankings, and advancing to more complex concepts such as range thinking and GTO poker, aimed at more experienced players.

If you already know the rules and basics but aren't sure where to start with studying strategy, how to approach the table, or how to gain an edge over your opponents, our Poker School will guide you.

Start with the Fundamentals section. Some of the concepts may seem simple, but they are crucial for your progress. Make sure you fully understand the material in this section before moving on to more advanced articles and videos.

It's important not only to focus on the play of specific hands and strategic aspects but also on poker mathematics and mental game.

Once you've studied the material in the Poker School, we recommend moving on to more advanced content, which you can find in poker articles and videos sections. There, you can dive deeper into individual aspects of the game, using search or filters to sort articles by topics that interest you. You can also consider hiring a poker coach.


  • Will your poker school help me start winning?

Success at the tables depends largely on the student — their focus and how well they’ve studied and understood the strategy materials.

We, in turn, provide everything needed for success in online poker, offering up-to-date training materials and everything necessary for profitable play.

  • What should I do after completing the Poker School?

Once you’ve fully studied our Poker School, we recommend moving on to more advanced content in the articles and videos sections or considering hiring a coach.

  • What order should I follow when studying your Poker School?

We recommend following the order in which the materials are presented, gradually moving from simpler concepts and sections to more advanced ones.

  • Why is the Poker School necessary?

GetCoach Poker School is a convenient — and most importantly, FREE — way to learn the basics of poker strategy and build the foundation for your successful poker career.

Success in poker comes from combining knowledge and practice. Study the materials, apply them in game, and watch your progress grow!