Value Bet Sizing EV Calculator

The right value bet sizing allows you to extract more EV with strong hands and directly affects your win rate. Calculate the optimal bet sizing with this calculator, taking into account possible raises from your opponent.

21 Calculators

Calculate EV of your sizing


Choosing the Most Profitable Value Bet Sizing

In order not to miss out on value in a given situation, it is important to learn how to choose sizings wisely. By playing with sizing and number of calling combinations in our calculator, you'll figure out what sizing option will be the most profitable. Don't forget that sometimes you'll face a raise from your opponent, that may affect the overall EV. So to make an accurate calculation, you can enter the number of raising combinations and raising frequency. The calculator will take that in the account before giving you the final EV value.

Using the Bet Sizing EV Calculator

To use the calculator, input the following parameters:

  • Number of calling combinations: Estimate the number of hands in your opponent’s range that will call your exact bet sizing.
  • Your bet sizing: The amount you plan to bet.
  • Number of raising combinations (optional): Estimate how many hands in your opponent’s range might raise against your bet sizing.
  • Raise sizing (optional): The expected size of a raise if your opponent decides to raise instead of call.

The value bet sizing EV calculator helps you balance between extracting maximum value and ensuring a good number of hands continue.