Implied Odds Calculator

The implied odds calculator will help you to accurately calculate how much money you should win on later streets to justify the call you made against the pot odds.

21 Calculators

Calculate Implied Odds

Pot after call:
Final pot should be at least:
You should win to justify calling:
0 bb

What Are Implied Odds In Poker?

Implied odds represent the potential additional money you can win if you complete your hand. They extend the concept of pot odds by taking into account the possibility of future bets that could be won if you complete your hand. This concept is crucial for deciding whether to call a bet or raise when the immediate pot odds are not favorable.

Unlike pot odds, implied odds do not have a precise formula. However, we can calculate how much additional money you need to win from your opponent to justify your call.

Using the Implied Odds Calculator

To use the calculator, enter the following parameters:

  • Pot: The total amount in the pot before the call.
  • Bet sizing: The amount your opponent has bet.
  • Your equity: The percentage of equity you have against your opponent’s range. You can use our Holdem Odds Calculator to calculate your hand equity against any range.

The calculator will then compute the minimum amount you need to win from your opponent on future streets to justify your call.

Example Of Implied Pot Odds Calculation

Let’s say the current pot size is 50 bb, your opponent bets 30 bb, and you estimate your equity to be 25% to complete your draw hand. Using the calculator, we can see that you should win at least 10bb to justify calling.