Fold Equity Calculator

The calculator will allow you to calculate what fold equity you need to have depending on the current pot and the size of your bet, so that this action will be profitable for you in the long run.

21 Calculators

Calculate Fold Equity

Fold equity:
0 %

What Is Fold Equity In Poker?

Fold equity is a probability of an opponent folding against a bet or a raise. Fold equity is an essential part of poker strategy and a game theory. Understanding fold equity is especially important in detecting profitable bluff and semi-bluff situations. Our calculator will help you to accurately calculate the required fold equity for the specific bet and pot size, so your bet is at least break-even.

Example Of Using Fold Equity

For example, if you bet $50 in the pot of $100, you’ll need to have your opponent folding their hand in at least 33% cases, to make your bet directly profitable. Note that “directly profitable” means that this bet will be profitable right here without taking into account next streets. Generally, your bet can still be profitable even with lesser fold equity, because you also have your hand equity against the opponent's range. There are odds that you improve your hand later. This concept is not applicable for the River, because all hands are already completed. On the last street there is no probability to improve the value of your hand, and you need to rely on mathematical fold equity.

Estimating Fold Equity In Poker Game

When you try to evaluate your fold equity in your head in a real poker game, try to think about your opponent’s range. What kind of hands does his range consist of? How many value hands, bluffs, and draws are in it? Which ones will your opponent fold for what bet size? Asking yourself these questions while playing will help you estimate your fold equity. And using our calculator will give you an understanding of the fold equity values you need from a mathematical perspective.