Bluff Equity Calculator

Do you know how often your opponent folds in certain situations? In this case, using the bluff equity calculator, you can easily calculate the EV of your bet and understand whether this strategy will be profitable for you in the long run.

21 Calculators

Calculate Bluff EV

Profit from folds:
0 bb
Loss from calls:
0 bb
0 bb

What Is Bluff In Poker?

In poker, a bluff is usually a bet or raise with a worse hand. The goal is to trick your opponent into believing that you are betting with a strong hand. If you bluff successfully, you will knock your opponent out of the hand and win the pot. Bluff is a very important part of poker strategy. You should sometimes be aggressive with bad hands, otherwise you’ll lose too many pots and your opponents won’t pay you out when you bet with strong hands.

How To Estimate Bluff Profitability?

You need to choose the right situations for bluffing. First, think about the opponent’s range. How many hands do you think they can fold against your aggression? What size do you think your bet should be? Our calculator will help you to see the expected value of your bluff bet or raise. Enter the pot and your bet sizing, and expected fold frequency - you’ll see the EV of your bluff. Try entering different parameters, and you’ll gain a better understanding of the math behind poker bluffs.