23 Red Flags in Poker

Poker Bounty
05 Oct 2024
This article is for beginner players
Psychology Strategy
05 Oct 2024
This article is for beginner players

«If you can't spot the sucker in your first half hour at the table, then you are the sucker». Feeling a bit perplexed about why the online poker dream isn't unfolding as you imagined. It's a question that haunts players of all levels - even the seasoned ones. In this article we're gonna be doing a step-by-step analysis to crack the code. By the end of this breakdown you'll have a treasure trove of insights into areas you can fine-tune to take your poker game to the next level!

#1: Ingnoring Poker Variance

So you think you're a poker expert after a mere 1,000 hands? Well, let me introduce you to the mysterious creature called the poker variance. It's like that one friend who loves to mess with you just when you think you've got it all figured out. Trust me - drawing conclusions from such a tiny sample is like trying to predict the weather with a soggy spaghetti noodle. 

It's essential to understand that even the most skilled players can experience swings of good and bad luck. 

If you want to see the light, embrace the grind and play at least a hundred thousand hands.

#2: Neglecting Bankroll Management

If you neglect bankroll management, you're swimming in shark infested waters without a lifejacket. It’s like trying to climb Mount Everest in flip-flops - not pretty, not smart. Without bankroll management you're just chasing unicorns while blindfolded. You have been lucky a few times, but in the long run, you'll be singing the saddest poker song in history.

#3: Playing Every Hand

You're like a kid in a candy store, playing every hand that comes your way. Sure, in poker anything can happen, but let's face it putting your money on every single hand is like playing roulette with your life savings - not a great plan.

Remember, that just because something's possible doesn't mean it's worth betting the farm on it. The odds can be as elusive as a disappearing magician's rabbit. So take a breath, think twice and save your chips for those golden opportunities when the odds are winking at you. Being a poker pro means being selective, like a discerning wine connoisseur. You’ll thank me when you're swimming in a sea of poker profits.

#4: Underestimating Position

Position is like the unsung hero of poker and we must admit - we might have sometimes underestimated its true powers. Playing from the button feels like having a backstage pass to a rock concert. While being UTG is more like being stuck in the nosebleed seats. It's like the difference between dancing in the spotlight and trying not to trip over your feet in the dark. So let's make amends. Shall we? Here's to playing from the button and leaving UTG in the dust.

#5: Ingnoring Preflop Basics

I've caught you red-handed with those min raises, so let's set the record straight. Preflop it's all about the three big blind raises plus one big blind for each limper. It's like the golden recipe for cooking up success at the poker table. And postflop, no more tip-toeing around with tiny bets. It's time to go big or go home. At least half or two-thirds of the pot will be our mantra and we'll make those opponents sweat. 

#6: Multitasking

I must admit watching you juggle. All those tables are quite impressive. Sure, the cool kids might be multitasking like poker wizards, but that doesn't mean you have to follow suit. Take a deep breath, find your comfort zone and remember that Rome wasn't built in a day. Just like if I had been handed a Ferrari as my first ride, I probably would have crashed it within a few minutes. Thank goodness life had different plans and I ended up with a quirky washing machine on wheels. It might not be flashy, but it kept me grounded and safe. 

So embrace your pace and master one table at a time. It's like savoring fine wine - appreciating every nuance instead of gulping down a dozen shots. Who knows, you might even discover a hidden talent that was overshadowed by the glitz and glamour of multitabling.

#7: Underestimating Pot Odds

I can see your enthusiasm for those tempting flush and straight draws, but let's take a moment to pump the brakes. Chasing after every draw like a dog after a squirrel might not be the best game plan. Sure, they can be alluring but blindly going for them without. Considering the odds is like jumping into a pool without checking if there's water. Fear not my friend, for the savior of all draw chasers is here. 

Pot odds - they're like the guiding light in the darkness of draw temptation before you make a move, let those pot odds do their magic and they'll lead you to the promised land of wise decisions. 

#8: Overfolding

I can see the allure of getting a peek at your opponent's hand. But let's not let that blind us to the harsh reality. It's not all rainbows and butterflies if it's draining our bankroll. It’s like having x-ray vision when you see their cards after the showdown, but if it's costing you hard-earned money, it's more like a curse than a blessing. 

So it's time to put on your poker grown-up pants and learn the art of contentment. Folding might feel like admitting defeat, but it's actually a display of wisdom and discipline. Remember, that pride won't fill your pockets, but making prudent decisions will. 

#9: Blaming Others

It's the go-to excuse for many when things don't go their way, but let's take a step back and examine the situation with a touch of objectivity. Blaming the poker room might feel comforting like a secure blanket, but let's get real here. It's not the platform's fault if our game has some leaks. 

Instead of pointing fingers outward, winning players take a deep dive inward. They scrutinize their own moves, analyze their plays, and search for those pesky leaks that can drain our success like a leaky faucet. So the next time you feel the urge to blame the poker room, pause and ask yourself. if there are areas in your game that need improvement - it’s all about the journey to becoming a better poker player. 

#10: Ignorance of Poker Books

In this age of high-tech wizardry with training poker videos, interactive seminars, there is still a special place for those good old-fashioned poker books. They're like the wise old sages of poker knowledge wanting to bestow their wisdom upon you. Sure, we’ve got all those fancy tech stuff, but hey, sometimes we gotta appreciate the basics. 

#11: Ignorance of Poker Stats

The endless pursuit of stats. You're obsessed with becoming the «perfect 22183 player», like it's some secret formula for poker greatness. It’s like trying to crack the Da Vinci code of poker stats. But let me tell you something - forcing yourself into this robotic play style won't magically transform you into a poker wizard. 

Playing poker is an art, not a math equation. 

It’s like trying to paint the Mona Lisa by sticking to a strict color by numbers guide. So let's stop the stat chasing madness and focus on the true essence of poker playing good solid Instinctive poker. 

#12: Playing in Tilt Condition

It's like a pesky gremlin that invades our poker brain and turns us into irrational beings. Shoving all in with King Deuce offsuit UTG after a bad beat That's the epitome of tilt induced madness. It's like trying to cure a headache by banging your head against the wall - not the brightest idea. 

Tilted decisions are like giving our chips away as if they're going out of fashion.

So the next time tilt comes knocking, take a deep breath and remember that poker isn't a revenge seeking vendetta. It’s a game of strategy, wit and patience. Save the King Deuce offsuit shenanigans for the comedy club stage, not the poker table number. 

#13: Idealization of Your Poker Moves

Floating the flop and check raising the turn might sound like a grand opera of poker brilliance, but let's face reality here. If your opponent is calling you down with the bottom pair like it's their long-lost twin those fancy moves will likely fall flat. It's like trying to perform a magic trick for someone who thinks rabbits come out of hats for real. 

Keep it straightforward like a classic burger and fries combo. Bet those good hands like a boss and when you're dealt a not-so-great hand, just graciously fold and live to fight another day. You don't need Shakespeare and theatrics at microstakes. Save those fancy plays for the big leagues when your opponents can appreciate the artistry.

#14: Putting Not Enough Money in the Bank

It's time to turn up the heat and crank those value bets to the max. Let those poker chips flow like a waterfall of poker goodness. Why settle for a measly $20 value bet in a juicy $100 pot when you can go all-in and get called by a glorious $100 bet? 

It's like sipping a tiny cup of coffee when you can gulp down a venti-sized cup of victory. Bigger value bets are the secret sauce to skyrocketing win rate. Make your opponents call with tears in their eyes as they watch their chips vanish into your triumphant stack.

#15: Button-Clicking

Falling into the trap of weak hands and folding like a house of cards. It's time to step up your game and stop being a button-clicking monkey. If you're calling raises without a clue about what's coming next, it's like walking blindfolded through a maze of confusion. Know where you're headed on those later streets like a GPS guiding you to poker victory. 

Fold with confidence if you haven't got a clue about your next move. 

It's better to save those chips for a more promising venture. 

#16: Neglecting of Continuation Bet

It seems you've been neglecting the art of continuation bet. Those little pots are waiting for the take-in, but you'll be missing out on the plundering. The continuation bet is a powerful weapon in your poker arsenal. It's like a secret treasure map leading to instant win rate booty. When you fire the c-bet, you'll be putting fears in the heart of your opponents. They'll be quaking in their boots, wondering if you'll be holding the golden hand. Stop letting those pots slip through your fingers like sand. Raise the black flag of the continuation bet and those pots will be yours for the taking.

#17: Neglecting of C-Bet Strategy

Slow down there. You'll be continuation betting like a fierce storm, but remember - not every situation calls for it. It’s like wielding a sword without thinking about where to strike. You see c-bets are powerful, but they're not meant to be unleashed 100% of the time. On certain flops It's smarter to hold back and check like a wise old owl. It's all about reading the C's of the poker table and adjusting your poker strategies accordingly. 

#18: Being Afraid of Double Barreling

It's like you're on the first name basis with the c-bet button, but when it comes to double barreling you vanish faster than a magician's rabbit. If double barreling ain't your thing, no worries - just save those c-bets for a rainy day. We wouldn't want you to exhaust your betting energy too soon and leave your opponent. Scratching their heads at your mysterious single barrel tactics. 

#19: Ignoring 3-Bets

If you're not three betting those flashy Ace Kings and Ace Queens suited when your opponents are throwing loose raises your way, you’re practically leaving money on the poker gods doorstep. Put some of that hard-earned cash in the middle when you've got those strong hands. Let's turn up the heat and make those loose raisers think twice before messing with you. 

#20: Too Much Unexpected Hands

It's time to put the detective hat and solve this poker mystery. When you raise and a tight player three bets, what kind of hand do you think your Ace Jack off suit is beating in this situation? It's like expecting a Chihuahua to take down a Great Dane in a wrestling match. If the opponent is tight, they're likely holding some serious firepower, and your Ace Jack off might be walking into a dragon's den. 

#21: Disregarding of Poker Rakeback

It's time to break in some serious benefits. Sure, rakeback won't magically solve all your poker worries. But if you find yourself floating around just breaking even or marginally losing this sweet deal can work wonders. 

Picture this: you, a poker chameleon surviving at the tables and then poof - with the power of rake back you transform into a victorious poker maestro overnight. While it won't cover the roots of your poker troubles, rakeback can certainly add some extra green to your pockets and turn your game around faster than a cheetah on caffeine.

#22: Playing in Exhausted Condition

If you're hitting the poker table when you're tired or feeling a bit too merry from a few drinks. It’s time to pump the brakes - here's a golden rule to live by. If it's not legal for you to hop behind the wheel, then don't think about hitting the poker button. 

We know it's a tough pill to swallow, but envision poker as a sport. 

You wouldn't run a marathon on an empty tank or with wobbly legs, would you? To conquer the poker realm you've got to be in tip-top shape both mentally and physically. Otherwise those results will suffer like a wounded soldier on the battlefield. So let's raise a glass to responsible poker play and save the tired and tipsy antics for a different occasion.

#23: Thinking Lucky Hands Will Make You Rich

Let's talk about this so-called lucky hand of yours. Newsflash: 10 deuce off isn't exactly blessed by the poker deities and it won't be your ticket to a money-filled wonderland. Sure, we all love a good luck charm and Doyle Brunson has won both Main Events with that hand, but relying on 10 deuce off to bring you money is like expecting a plastic spoon to cut through a brick wall It's time to bid farewell to the illusions of luck and embrace the reality of your.

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned player, learning from these blunders can be the key to enhancing your poker strategy and maximizing your earnings. And if you want to improve your game with the help of real professionals, visit our poker coaches section and train with the best!

This article was written by Dennis «Dennis_Stets» based on a video from the Poker Bounty channel.

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